Babel (Work In Progress)
Written and Directed by Masha Maroutitch
‘Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with it’s top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over tha face of the whole earth.’
Writer / Director: Masha Maroutitch
Designer: Cara Evans
Composer: Riwa Saab
Movement Director: Maria Koripas
Dramaturg: Laurie Ogden
VIdeographer: Andy McCredie
Production Photographer: Anastasia Maroutitch Waring
Art Work: Svetlana Maroutitch Waring
Modupe Salu
Matilda Rae
Jack Matthews
Supported by Theatre Peckham, National Youth Theatre, Young Vic, Camden People’s Theatre
Camden People’s Theatre, 2022